Edify (v): to instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually.

When we say that the Word of God edifies us, we mean that it does two major actions in our lives that affect our outcomes:

1. Instruction, and
2. Improvement

Last week, we talked about applying concepts used in holistic health in our daily lives as Christians. Today we can take these concepts, primarily the 5 areas of our health, and apply them to the two major actions: We can say that the Word of God instructs and improves us spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. Let's take a closer look at the mental aspect.

Another word for 'mentality' is 'character'. This is the way you think; how you reason; the recurring thoughts that inform your behaviour and expectations. Many times psychologists will tell us to think happy thoughts, as this has a knock-on effect on how we perceive the world around us. The question we end up with, though, is 'how to think'. Most importantly, how to make our conscious thoughts more Godly. Whenever our thoughts seem to spiral out of control- perhaps something has not gone to plan and we begin down a rabbit hole of self-reproach- we can turn to Scriptures. The Word will tell us where to focus our minds (instruction) and as a result, this will make us feel better (improvement). Take the scripture:


I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 

As we practice these Godly thought patterns and behaviours, it becomes a strong part of our identities and forms the bedrock of our character, which is perhaps our greatest possession. As our characters are built in this way, the foundation of the church becomes bolder, stronger, and more courageous. It also becomes kinder, gentler, and more peaceful.

God, as Your Word edifies us, we pray that we will become better people of faith and build a stronger foundation for Your church.


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Where There is Vision the People Flourish

“Where there is no vision, the people perish. But he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”

When I was younger, I used to go to primary and secondary schools just to inspire the young people, and I would tell them: ‘You need a vision for your life!’ Because where there is no vision, there is a lack of progress; a standard attitude. People are not inspired to trust God for more. 

At the time of the launch of The Higher Place Church, there was no money. But we had a vision. Since then, we’ve come a long way and God is still building the church. He is still building us and strengthening our foundation! 

ZECHARIAH 4:10 tells us: “Do not despise the small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” At any level you are, even if you are the fastest runner in the world, there is always a level higher. That is what God wants for all of us, to come away from the low place and move up higher. God wants us to come out of the low place of pain, of shame, of guilt or whatever may plague us, and move up higher!

- Extract from Vision Sunday 2020- Pastor Paul Ilo


Faith After the Miracle 

We see in ACTS 3:8-11 (NLT) that once the lame man has been cured by the apostles Peter and John at the Beautiful Gate through Christ Jesus: 
“The man jumped up, stood on his feet and began to walk! Then walking, leaping and praising God, he went into the temple with them. All the people saw him walking and heard him praising God. When they realised he was the lame beggar they had seen so often at the beautiful gate, they were absolutely astounded. They all rushed out in amazement to Solomon’s Colonnade, where a man was holding tightly to Peter and John.”

After this man was healed, he didn’t run away. After God satisfied his soul and answered his prayers, he did not run away from God. People of God: When God meets our needs, the best thing to do is not to run away from the presence of God. If you run away, you will still find another problem and return to Him again! Like this man, let us hold tightly to God even after He has answered our prayers.

God does not want us to chase the superficial things, He wants us to chase the deep things, the spiritual things.

I want to encourage us now to seek God- All that  we need is in Jesus!

From Want Vs Need-Daniel Ilo

At this time of great uncertainty, many people seek God for comfort, for answers and for healing. God will surely provide for each and every one of us, but what happens after the miracle? Will we still have faith? Let us draw close to God and remain beside Him, holding tightly to Him like the man at the Beautiful Gate.


Proclaiming our Faith 

Today’s Daily Devotion is for anyone who would like to dedicate or rededicate their life to God. Included is the prayer at the end of the service on Easter Sunday. There is so much that the Lord gives us when we give Him our lives, as MATTHEW 11:28-30 (NLT) tells us:
“Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”


Set Apart as a Vessel unto God

2 TIMOTHY 2: 20-21 (AMP)

“Now in a large house, there are not only vessels and objects of gold and silver, but also vessels and objects of wood and earthenware. Some are of honourable (noble, good) use, and some are dishonourable. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things (which are dishonourable; disobedient; sinful) he will be a vessel of honour, sanctified (set apart for a special purpose).” 

What does it mean to be set apart for a special purpose? As followers of the teachings of Christ, how can we become sanctified, for our lives to be filled with the Holy Spirit? Pastor Paul gives us more insight below:

We reflect the glory of God through the sanctification process. Let us walk in partnership with God to experience REAL transformation. We will see that the Lord makes us more and more like Him. 

- From 
The Real Surrender- Pastor Paul Ilo


Fear and Obstacles can Strengthen our Faith and Character 

This beautiful morning, we take from two separate but interlinked sermons: Calling, Character and Commitment- Dr. Hugh Osgood and What’s on the Other Side of Fear?- Pastor Paul Ilo

2 PETER 1:2 (NKJV) says, ‘Add to your faith virtue, and to virtue, knowledge. To knowledge, self control, to self-control, perseverance, to perseverance, Godliness, to Godliness, brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness, love.’

Although some words within the New King James Version can feel quite obscure, a word like virtue, especially in modern times, usually means “strength.” What this passage is saying is that there should be a natural progression, so that we’re adding character to our lives. Our sins have been forgiven by God and He wants to add strength into our lives. That’s why sometimes, as Christians, we come across problems or obstacles. When you begin in the journey of your faith, God works with you to strengthen you, because we need strength! We can pray in church about breaking yokes, but the thing that we often miss is that some of those yokes that we might be trying to break are actually things that God has put into our lives. 

- Dr. Hugh Osgood 

It is true that God wants to add strength to our lives. He wants to build us up. It is also true that times of adversity give us opportunities to practice self control, perseverance, Godliness, brotherly kindness and love, all which Apostle Peter extols in the verse above. Building strength also allows us to confront our fears and anything that may be holding us back. 

Pastor Paul asks, What is your “boat?” Your “boat” can be described as ‘whatever represents safety and security to you apart from God Himself.’

In MATTHEW 14: 28-29 (NLT), after the event during which Jesus feeds 5000 people, he asks his disciples to go back into the boat so they can travel to the other side of the lake. Later in the day, when the disciples are facing strong winds and waves, Jesus walks on water to them. Although the disciples are afraid, Peter calls to Jesus:
“Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” And Jesus responds, “Yes, come.”’

The types of fears we have can be a breeding ground for faith. The fear that the disciples experienced became a breeding ground for God to appear to them. The disciples were troubled and because of their fear, they cried out to God. In response, Jesus says “Don’t be afraid.” When your fears lead you to cry out to God, you experience the presence of God.​

How many of you want God to do the impossible in your life? Many of us do. But if you want to walk on water, you HAVE to be willing to get out of the boat. Peter was able to walk on water because he was bold enough to get out of the boat! 

In light of the current situation, how do we personally and collectively be strengthened by the end of this virus? We can be strengthened through our acts of faith- showing brotherly kindness and through that, love. Maybe we are being forced out of our “boats”, but it is bringing out the best in us. It is helping us build strength through Jesus. It is helping us to do the seemingly impossible: working together as a global community to defeat the virus. 


The Promises of The Lord 

Morning Beloved,

It is a brand new week and although many of us are still experiencing lockdown, there is promise of better things to come. 

Despite life’s difficulties, we live in a world full of hope. We live in a time of hope, not hopelessness. Yesterday was the last Sunday of ‘The Hiding Place’ series, but today is the beginning of something new. It is full of promise. We seek The Lord’s direction. 

In ACTS 1:4-5, Jesus makes a promise to His disciples: ‘Gathering them together, he commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised. “Which” He said, “you heard of from Me. For John baptised with water, but you will be baptised with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”’

The disciples received a promise from Jesus before he left. Jesus promised that He was going to release the Holy Spirit upon them and they would have to wait upon the Lord. The disciples waited upon the promise. 

Is there any promise that God has released upon your life? He wants you to wait upon him in the place of prayer and claim those promises.

From Hiding in Prayer- Daniel Ilo

If you are worried or sad, have been unwell or lost anyone close to you this season and would like for us to pray for you and with you, please send prayers to Know that The Lord’s promises stand firm, and He shall deliver to those faithful to Him. 


The Power of Standing Together 

Morning Beloved,

As mentioned in Sunday’s sermon, this time of lockdown is a good opportunity for us to strengthen our relationships. That could be between spouses, siblings, friends and within the church. 

Perhaps before the stay-at-home order we were always busy, always occupied with something. Now we are spending more time indoors and with the people we live with. We can rebuild and tend to these relationships; we can create great memories. 

This is also true for us as followers of Christ. We may be temporarily unable to meet in person, but the internet and social media gives us an expansive platform to stay and pray together. 

The Bible tells us of the power of togetherness:

‘A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.’

We can see this in the Trinity: the trinity is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Three in one. Throughout the Bible, God calls for unity, for togetherness. 
The church family is a place where we can find security, healing and wholeness, irrespective of our background. The church is the family of God!

From I’ve Gained A Family- Pastor Paul Ilo

Standing together also gives us the strength we need to overcome obstacles. When the people of God are united, imagine all the great things we can achieve! Let us remain together and take care of each other, at home and online.  


Healing from Within   

Morning Beloved,

If you can, take some time to meditate this morning. Allow a few minutes to appreciate all that you have, both tangible and intangible. Read the verse from the Book of Jeremiah below, and bring all your worries, wishes and praise to the feet of Jesus. 

We have much to be grateful for today. God has and continues to heal us. He mends us from within. If we seek Him, he turns what was once rejected into the ‘cornerstone’. Whatever may need release within you, now is the time to ask Jesus for His healing touch. 

Heal me, Oh Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved. For you are my praise. 

Most times complete healing takes time, but real change starts within. You can walk and still be sick on the inside; you can clap your hands and still be sick on the inside; you can come to church and still be sick on the inside. Complete healing takes time, but that is where God starts from.

Excerpt from: Check Your Company | Pastor Paul Ilo 


Peace in Jesus 

Morning Beloved,

There are needs that cannot be met by the things of the world alone. There are desires that no invention has yet fulfilled. Some days we may find ourselves seeking and hoping for a grand discovery.

So much is out of our control, including death. The idea of death (especially an untimely one) worries many people. We feel scared; maybe it keeps us up at night. We are thinking- what if it all ends now?

Jesus experienced a painful death. That is a pain He knows. But He also rose again. He has overcome death to show us that there is ultimately nothing to fear. 

JOHN 16:33 (AMP)
I have told you these things so that in Me you may have perfect peace. In this world you will have tribulations and suffering, but be courageous (be confident; be undaunted; be filled with joy). I have overcome the world!

This tells me that our joy and contentment was always meant to be found in Jesus. As people, there’s always something that we want more. There’s always something that we’re looking forward to, and I believe that God is allowing that to be in our hearts so that we can always keep our minds on Him. It’s for us to know that everything in this world is transient- our joy is to be found in knowing Christ. 

Excerpt from: Living With the End in Mind | Pastor Debi Ilo  Let us nestle in the perfect love of Jesus, who lived among us, died before us, overcame death and promises us eternal life with him. 

DAY 10

Look Up  

Morning Beloved,

In the football world, fans complain when an otherwise promising player badly judges a goal-scoring opportunity. Sometimes the reason is because they are nearing the goal, fumbling with their feet, excited to score and forget to do one thing: look up. 
If they had, they might have noticed other options and other team-members who were there to help. 

When we feel discouraged, we may find it difficult to ‘look up’ or take the wide-angle view of a situation. Maybe we want to do everything ourselves or are too knee-deep in our problems to think clearly.

But if we pause and remember that even in the worst of situations and the narrowest of alleys that God is always with us, then our burdens begin to lighten: 

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. 

God is speaking personally to some of you at this moment: these times of trouble and discouragement is not the time for you to stop serving or to push aside the people of God who are trying to reach out to you. Keep serving and keep being consistent and in the end you will find the answers to your prayers.

DAY 11


Morning Beloved,

Behind a particularly strong wave from the sea is an even more powerful wind. This wind is like pure energy: invisible by itself but shown in everything it touches. 

Likewise, our energy is visible through our words and behaviours. They can also be sensed from the ‘aura’ of our presence. In other words, how do other people feel around us? As Christians, how do we want them to feel? What is the focus of our spiritual energy- prayer, love and good works? Or anger, impatience and selfishness?

How did Jesus channel His energy? It was into prayer, performing miracles and teaching others. That is what the church, thousands of years later, can read about in the bible and experience through communion with Him. 

Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

What happens when our zeal for argument is greater than our love for God? It’s misplaced priority. It is energy in the wrong place. 

Excerpt from: I Want to Pray But...(Part 1) | Pastor Paul Ilo 

Channelling our energy into living the values of the Christian faith enriches us both spiritually and physically.

DAY 12


Morning Beloved,

A brief Bible verse for today:

Go, eat your food with gladness and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved of what you do. 

It is telling us: enjoy the simple but wonderful things. Do not only feel happy, express that happiness in your daily activities. Let that joy touch everything you do. 

When you smile, smile with your whole heart. Whatever you do, do it joyfully, for there is joy to be found even in the most seemingly mundane tasks. Be the people of Christ who can see promise and good where others don’t. 

Stay well.  

DAY 13


Morning Beloved,

As Christians, we face many challenges to our faith. Some Christians around the world have experienced discrimination because of their beliefs. We have to overcome temptations, navigate difficult situations and always choose love.

Jesus knew that discipleship would be difficult for us. He told his disciples that whoever follows Him must “take up their cross”. He also knew that life posed difficulties regardless of whether people followed Him or not. Many of His disciples (including those not part of the 12) came from a tough life, including Simon, James and John, who were hardworking fishermen. Yet, in following Jesus, their lives were enriched. They fulfilled their divine purpose and continued to follow His teachings as apostles after Jesus ascended into Heaven. 

Nonetheless, the apostles experienced suffering whilst spreading the message of God and even performing miracles. It did not take away from their achievements, but it was inevitable that they would suffer to some degree.

All of this is to say that as people on Earth, we will all suffer at some point. We will experience hardship, feel alone and perhaps even depressed. 
But Jesus is here with us. He promises to help us carry our burdens if we follow Him.  

LUKE 9:57 (ESV)
As they were going along the road, someone said to Jesus: “I will follow you wherever you go.”’

It is God that gives us the strength to do what we do. 

- Pastor Paul Ilo
Excerpt from: Sunday Service Live (17 May 2020) | A New Way to Live Series | The Higher Place UK

Please also get any practical support you may need (a couple of links are below). God has made it possible for us to have access to medical support as well as access to His Word. With the two, we can overcome anything. 

DAY 14


Morning Beloved,

What are your out-of-hours plans?

Going to get your craft/side hustle going? Maybe binge-watch your new favourite Netflix show? Perhaps flex your culinary muscles and bake, bake, bake?

Whether it’s watching shows, crafting, baking, fixing, writing or even just resting, many of our favourite activities stem not only from how they make us feel, but also from what they make us remember. 

We remember long days spent on the activity. Maybe we were taught by an older relative and we remember the satisfaction of having got it right after hours of trying. We remember the shared experience of doing it with others or the tranquillity of doing it alone. With each new experience, we hope to recreate that pleasant feeling. 

And like we remember the good things, God promises to remember us always: 

ISAIAH 49: 15-16
‘I will not forget you. Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands.’
Within God’s promise to remember us is a declaration of love. If you are struggling right now, remember this promise. Allow it to strengthen you. 

Take some time to remember this weekend. Reminisce the happy moments in your life so far. Think of when someone has been kind to you, shown you respect or believed in you when you did not believe in yourself. Remember something that made you laugh or made you hopeful. Our memories are strong snapshots of time, sometimes full of colour and scent and taste. They show us what God has done for us; they give us a glimpse of what He will do in the future. 

DAY 15


Morning Beloved,

As we experience life’s high points and challenges, whether through careers, relationships, home and more, let us remember that God is with us through all things and He provides for us in all areas of our lives. 

The mustard seed is an important image in the Bible. It’s often used to illustrate how something really small can grow large, powerful and be spread across time and place. 

All that God gives to us and plants within us, all these things are our treasures. They come in the form of our resources, talents and abilities and they enable us to give to others, to bless others and to build a great community. 

You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. 

Money is meant to be a flowing river, a stream that goes round and makes a difference in people’s lives. 

-Excerpt from:  Money on a Mission- Part 1 | The “M” Word | Pastor Paul Ilo

DAY 16


Morning Beloved,

A famous gospel song says,

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord.”

Many Christian songs have lyrics about openness and being receptive to God. We can be open in the literal sense of opening our eyes (and all our senses) to the world and to seeing everything as Jesus would. We can also be open in the spiritual sense when we read the Bible and engage with the Sunday service. 

There is a strong element of receiving in the idea of being open. It is hard to get the most out of anything when we are closed to it, perhaps because we have preconceived notions of the value of someone or something, so we believe that we are only ‘saving ourselves time’ by being unreceptive. Having said that, our time is limited and therefore precious. We will have to make the choice to say ‘no’ to some things. So what do we do?

We must draw on our faith. We can ask God to show us the way, to help us be open to His plan for us and to all the things that will enrich us the most. 

For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise, they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.  

When you see the Lord, He will rearrange your thinking. You will see that all of life is a gift. You will see that your steps are ordered by God. When you see the Lord, He will change your attitude about life. That is my prayer for you. 

-Excerpt from: The Available Moment- Available Series (09 August 2020) | Pastor Paul Ilo 

DAY 17

Experiencing the Sunday Service 

Morning Beloved,

Many good things are the result of sustained efforts. Often people come together to make something happen and/or keep it going. There is a shared sense of the value of the work; a love of its meaning. 

When we gather on a Sunday (in person or online), we are making a choice to be present and engage. We are putting in that effort, knowing that without that desire and effort the church would not exist. 

The Bible has numerous passages about keeping the church strong, such as this from the Book of Acts:

ACTS 20:28 (ESV)
Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. 

A major challenge for online meetings is how quick it is for people to lose focus. We can overcome that by being intentional. I want to encourage you to make space for God today. 

Excerpt from: Sunday Service Live (21st June 2020) | Fighting to Win Series 

Jesus was always intentional and active in his preaching and miraculous works. As followers of Christ, Jesus calls us to be intentional and active in the building and maintenance of His Church. We can create an environment that is as resilient as it is worshipful.

DAY 18

The Holy Spirit as a Dove

Morning Beloved,

In the Book of Isaiah, Jesus is described as the ‘prince of peace’. The world will always be in need of that peace from Jesus as the world copes with uncertainty and global suffering.
We all need peace. Jesus Himself was filled with the Holy Spirit, who came down on Him ‘like a dove’. Doves traditionally symbolise peace and healing, and this divine peace gave Jesus the courage to fulfil the Father’s plan in His life. 

After being baptised, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and lighting on him.’

Peace be unto you today and in all that you do, may you find joy. We end this week having looked at the forms of the Holy Spirit: the oil used in anointing; the tongues of fire that gave the apostles understanding; the temple of the Holy Spirit, which is our bodies; the living water of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit as a dove, the symbol of peace. 

With the Holy Spirit, we receive many spiritual gifts including wisdom, counsel and fortitude. Let us welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives to sustain and enrich us. 

DAY 19


Morning Beloved,

God’s love for us is unconditional, like the love of a parent to a child. He is there with us and for us, both in our best and worst moments. The love of God is for all beings that exist on Earth and is not spread thin because it is shared between so many. Rather, it is plentiful like the five loaves and two fish in the scriptures, which Jesus transforms into food that feeds thousands of people.

His love for us remains even when we commit wrong acts against him and against others. See the story of Peter, who denied Jesus three times in the Bible. He returns to God and is forgiven. The Lord Jesus says to him in 

MATTHEW 16:18 (NLT),
Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means “rock”), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.’

Peter received the grace and forgiveness of God. He was promised great things and although he did wrong, he still went on to fulfil great works with the other apostles. This shows us the power of God’s love and the power of our own repentance.

Peter later became an Evangelist. That’s a story of restoration: God restored him. We can deny Jesus through some of the things we do, but like Peter, there can still be restoration for us in our lives.

Excerpt from: Return- Prodigal Son- Daniel Ilo

Don’t be afraid to ask for God’s grace and mercy. We are all deserving of God’s love and it is more than enough for all of us. No matter how far we have strayed, we can still be restored. The power of restoration is limitless. 

DAY 20

To Where Does the Lord Call Me? 

Morning Beloved,

It is natural for us to crave security and comfort. A simple life is an easier life, and we know that it is the simpler things that often satisfy us more. Yet we also know that the world is complex. We know that Jesus promises us eternal life, not an easy one. 

Maybe at this moment you are being called to something new. This new thing is scary, it takes you into a zone of conflict or state of suffering. It feels that even God’s promise to take care of you is not enough. 

What then? 

In the book of Matthew, Jesus tells his disciples:

MATTHEW 16:24-25 (ESV)
“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” 

Jesus calls all of us to take up different challenges, but it’s still left for us to choose. Below is a poem called “Obedience”, which captures the Christian calling so well:


Is God calling you to something new? Trust in His promise to guide you through.